Sunday, 19 March 2017

Two weeks on: Snotty snot snots

What a funny old week.

The week started with me feeling like I was "getting somewhere". I had a little walk around on Monday. It was tiring, but it was nice to get out. Also started with a bit of a cough, nothing major. Checked with MS nurse if I should go to docs or not. The advice being give it another day or two and if the cough gets worse, go and see the doc. Rested Tuesday. Woke up Wed feeling almost "normal", from what I remember normal to be. Numbness felt like it was easing, rash gone and my walking felt more steady. Spent a lot of the day in the garden reading instructions to Mr W on how to put up a wooden play house/shed for the twins. The sun was out. It felt so nice to feel human!! It's hard to explain, but I felt good. Then Thursday came, and so did the cold from hell. I could produce enough snot for hundreds of gooey louis games, every hour. It's Sunday now and I'm totally wiped out. The snot production must be draining me of all my energy reserves. I'm on my third bog roll from blowing my nose. I'm just taking paracetamol because I don't know if you can have cold/flu tablets, or sudafed tablets (my saving grace when it comes to colds). Still coughing. Have already googled pneumonia, just in case. I don't have the symptoms, so I'm OK...

My plan is to ride this cold out, then hope to feel like that almost human being I experienced on Wed. Please God, don't let it be the steroids that made me feel so good. I keep reading about people who feel ace weeks 3/4 post Lemtrada, and then they dip big time. Watch this space...

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